Get a unique ART-shirt with one of my motifs or select from the below offers.
01. - 24. Dez. 2024 | NMS
Pünktlich zum 1. Advent bietet Victor C seine erste STRENG LIMITIERTE
T-Shirt-Edition an. Das Motto des T-Shirts lautet "Modern Urban Jungle" (in Anlehnung an den gleichnamigen aktuellen
Architekturkalender, der aus der Teilnahme an der diesjährigen Kunstflecken-Austellung 2017 in Neumünster
Dank der Unterstützung von Shirtinator können Sie hier meine erste T-Shirt-Kollektion bestellen . Falls Sie nach
individuelleren Shirts suchen, kontaktieren Sie mich bitte per E-Mail. Verfügbare Größen: S | M | L | XL | XXL |
Sonderpreis inkl. Lieferung innerhalb BRD:
nur 19,54 €/Shirt (inkl. 19% USt.) Hier kaufen!
Hinweis: Die T-Shirt-Auslieferung erfolgt bei Erreichen einer Mindest-Bestellmenge nach Kampagnen-Ende.
Special X-Mas ART-Shirt
Victor C has started his first STRITCTLY LIMITED
T-Shirt Edition called "Modern Urban Jungle" corresponding to the current participation of the joint exhibition Kunstflecken 2017 and his new
calender project "Concrete Glas Steel Structures" consisting of 13 previously unpublished photos. Thanks
to the support of Shirtinator you can order and buy my first T-Shirt Collection here. In
case you look for more individual Shirts please get in touch with me through my e-mail. Available sizes:
S | M | L | XL | XXL | 3XL
Special price exclusive delivery:
15,55 €/Shirt (incl. 19%
Buy here!
Note: T-shirt delivery occurs when a minimum order quantity is reached after the campaign
ends. Special price including delivery within Germany:
... NEWS | EVENTS ... press release
Campaign Period 22. Sep. - 13. Oct. 2017 | NMS Germay
Victor C has started his first STRITCTLY LIMITED T-Shirt Edition called "Modern Urban Jungle" corresponding to
the current participation of the joint exhibition Kunstflecken 2017 and his new calender project "Concrete Glas Steel
Structures" consisting of 13 previously unpublished photos. Thanks to the support of Shirtinator you can order and buy my first T-Shirt Collection here.
In case you look for more individual Shirts please get in touch with me through my e-mail. Available sizes:
S | M | L | XL | XXL | 3XL
Special price including delivery within Germany:
19,54 €/Shirt (incl. 19%
Buy here!
Spezial-Preis inkl. Lieferung innerhalb BRD:
nur 19,54 €/Shirt (inkl. 19% USt.) Hier kaufen!
Very Limited Edition | Monster on Back
Special price including delivery within Germany:
23,99 €/Shirt (incl. 19%
Buy here!
Spezial-Preis inkl. Lieferung innerhalb BRD:
nur 23,99 €/Shirt (inkl. 19% USt.) Hier kaufen!
Purchase Campaign Period End 23. Oct. 2017
Sizes | Größen S | M | L | XL | XXL | 3XL